Friday, April 28, 2023
- Rare book collector forum free
Rare book collector forum free -
Pity that. I rather liked the thought of Zen College with its gardens of rocks and raked sand, the cheerleaders at football games chanting the college koan. Presumably ZCL thinks that an appearance on Bookride, a very well-regarded blog that lots of other sites link to, will give ZCL apparent respectability. Some booksellers who don't list their stock on AbeBooks sell through Amazon.
But isn't everything on ViaLibri also on Abebooks? I should welcome a list of bookcollecting sites that made some informed comparisons. Point taken Notker. I'll have to be more guarded about guest contributions--we had one on book apps for Iphones a couple of months back that was perfectly fine. Youthful input and all that. If you need speed and efficiency and a greater ability to narrow down information only a UK dealer, after , published by Mosher, must contain the word 'Balloon' etc.
By the way if you got a degree at this putative college would you then be a Zen master? It depends on where individual seller's choose to list. I look at ILAB more often because I want a site without all the print-on-demand garbage, relisters' non-existent books and low end crap cluttering up my search results.
ViaLibri, like bookfinder or addall, searches many sites at once. I use it because I like the search interface, it's put together by real book people, and it has many other handy features, such as the Library Search. For more rare material, Via Libri turns up books which I can't find on Abe or certainly not on the lower end sites like Amazon. People use these sites in lots of different ways, and sometimes the differences appear minimal, but overall I look for sites that return results from real dealers with good descriptions.
I agree with the above point that ABE's utility value is rapidly being eroded by the hordes of print-on-demand stuff added daily. The search by most recently added function is now more or less useless. This will bite them in the arse eventually but for now I guess they're raking in the listing fees.
You might want to check out my new site www. I try to post items of iterest to book collectors of all types. Comments are always welcomed.
Regards, Debra. There are currently well over one million books listed from almost independent booksellers worldwide. PODs can be eliminated from searches, along with quite a few other search options. It is also attracting booksellers with less inventory that can't afford the fees at places like Abebooks and Alibris. So, there is a unique set of listings developing there.
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All the best, Diane info coollectors. This is a great long established site with lots of useful info. I try to keep it as non-commercial as possible difficult to do when you trade in books!
I think you said right about the books listed by those determined individualists, might be this fact can matters! Anyone interested, please reply and we can possibly make some sort of arrangement. I am from the Tampa area, and have almost any kind of book that anyone may be into. I was not able to bargain anything on the internet.
Now, I am able to do it at MyDeals The words "Rare Books" appeared in the heading and that was good enough for her Rashmi. I enjoyed it. The above site is closed According to me the best books sites if rated 1 shopeyard. Facebook : FB has emerged recently as an interesting place for the bookishly inclined.
Searching "Pages" for the author, genre, book, character, etc. Twitter : Like FB, Twitter is a bit of a surprise to be included. Use one or more of the filtering services to get an idea e. Alternatively, find a twitterer you like and see if they have a " biblio " list UI is clean and efficient. They do good works, too opening libraries in S. Forums can be interesting and useful to the emerging book collector There is no question they have a deeper pool of dealers with the noted caveat that the term "dealer" is somewhat looser.
Expect a low signal to noise ratio on common-uncommon material They have a knowledgeable pool of sellers and a fair bit of interesting and useful reference materials. There is no doubt that they have a stunning selection of new material and an increasingly deep offering of "used and rare".
They have made noise of late that they are creating a venue for "rare and collectible" material N. It is increasingly difficult to properly describe "unique" copies, you can not provide scholarly links in descriptions, and they have made it difficult to communicate directly with the book sellers.
They are the pound gorilla in the room, but they move a lot of books You can search on BF to search all the major selling venues at once. Private Libraries Association : An association comprised of collectors, based in the UK, but with chapters worldwide. Great exhibits and resources. Maine's Baxter Society. Find one near you and join Scholarships are available. You learn good things and get to spend time with collectors, dealers, and librarians.
Americana Exchange : A very strong collection of resources and a finger on the pulse of the book auction scene. Fine Books and Collections Magazine : Far and away the best journal for the book scene currently in print. They do quarterly paper editions, but the site is frequently updated and is data rich for any lover of books. Subscribe to the print edition, frequent the site, read the email newsletter, follow the blog. So there you are. Obviously, there are many other good sites.
There are many great library sites British Library, Folger's, Lilly, etc. The key when buying "well" is dealing with a bookdealer you can trust Buyer, as always, beware. Feel free to add other's below. Teach me something I do not know The Fine Books Blog. Collecting Romance Novels: Where to Begin. Summer Reads Books About Books. Bright Young Collectors: Lindsay Moen. Gibson's Books. Box Librarium - a secondhand bookstore in upstate NY since 10 Product Key Free (% Working).Windows 10 Product Key Free (% Working)
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